A camp for the guidance of adolescent girls have been arranged on 3rd Sep 2021
8th Annual adolescent girls check up and guidance camp
Disha is not only working towards health development but also overall development of the community. To facilitate the development Disha organised 8th annual adolescent girls camp where around 350 teenage girls of this remote area participated . Every girl was Checked up with haemoglobin level where around 68 girls were found low in heamoglobin level. Disha provided them with proper medicine and diet guidance.
Teenage is a very crucial age, when lots of hormonal changes occurs; and its a crucial time where a person needs proper guidance to understand and cope with the changes they face. In this camp girls were guided with the proper care and knowledge to understand what they are going through; good touch bad touch concept and coping with hormonal changes in a proper Manner
We thank Dr. Gargi Bahekar gyneacologist from gondia , Dr. Renuka medical officer kalimati PHC for thier time and precious guidance to the teenage girls.